Monday, 28 February 2011

Party, Party, Party...

Ever since I can remember, I've loved to party. Any sort of party, from a night on the town, to the Tupperware kind! My Mum was one of 5 children, so she never actually had a birthday party, so I guess thats why she always threw me the best birthday party every year, planning for weeks in advance all the finer details. I guess thats where my passion came from, my Mum. Even my earliest childhood memory is my 3rd birthday party. So, now that I have children of my own, I'm really in my element!
They say you should do something you love and you'll never work a day in your life. So with my friend Megan, (who shares my passion for parties) our business "Twinkle Party Creations", was born in November 2010. We want Mums and Dads to be able to throw their "little star" a fabulous party, without the hassle of sourcing all the items needed to make it stylish and fun. We hire kids party packages that have everything you need (and more!)

I am looking forward to sharing our Twinkle Party Creations with you all!